Oaxaca Quaker Friends
Wellesley Friends Meeting has established a fund to support the work of The BlackQuaker Project. Funds are needed for clerical and research assistance; office materials and procedures, including printing, faxing, telephoning; transportation for presentations and research; promoting; and collecting materials from libraries, private collections, and archives.
Please mail contributions to:
Wellesley Friends Meeting
26 Benvenue Street
Wellesley, MA 02482
Please write "For The BlackQuaker Project Fund" on your check.
For additional information about this fund, please contact Hal Weaver (weaverhal@yahoo.com)
For more information about The BlackQuaker Project, please contact Hal Weaver: weaverhal@yahoo.com
Oaxaca Quaker Friends hold Meeting for Worship on Saturdays at 10am.
Los amigos cuáqueros de Oaxaca realizan una reunión no programado para rendir culto los sábados a las 10am.
Protección a la Joven ('La Protec')
Tinoco y Palacios 217
Contact us at: quakersinoaxaca@gmail.com